------------ Gene details ------------ In the results panel on the right, Gravity is adding a **Gene details** tab. .. figure:: images/results/gene_details.png :figclass: align-center General informations (1 in figure) ---------------------------------- The top of the *gene details* panel display the gene name and some quick links for the BioGPS, OMIM and GTEx of the gene. Additionaly the list of pathway / gene lists to which the selected gene belong are displayed in the box below. .. note:: When using a GEMINI database as an input, more informations such as other names for the gene or fullname or chromosome. Variants (2 in figure) ---------------------- Then, there is a list of all the variants carried in the gene that passes the filter set in the control panel. This list of variants can be sorted using a variable from the dropdown list just above. For each variants, several informations are displayed: * a sign carrying several informations * color: same color code as for the functional impact on the network. * transmission by the mother (venus), father (mars), both (mars & venus), unknown (?), *de novo* (star) (alternatively in comparison mode, A, B or both to represent the carrier) * the HGVSp annotation when available * genotype of the individual and of his/her parents when available * a field reserved for the deleteriousness score used (in this documentation, see the deleteriousness part in the Settings) * frequencies in the general population and in the current cohort A single click on a variant will copy the position (chr:position) of the variant. A double click will open in the system default web browser a configurable link for instance a web IGV with your BAM files (in this documentation, see the BAM server part in the Settings). Enrichment (3 in figure) ------------------------ At the bottom of this panel, there is a box plot to compare the number of variants per individual for the currently selected genes (could be multiple) accross the cohort divided into 4 categories: affected, unaffected, parents and controls. The first 3 categories are deduced from the pedigree file, the last one is optional and can be provided as a seventh column in the pedigree file (with 2 for controls, 1 for non controls, but any other value will be considered as non control). Under the categories (other than affected) there is an indicative p-value from the *Mann-Whitney U test* betwwen the category and the affected. Those p-values are **not** corrected for multiple testing. .. note:: For GEMINI database a column called Control must be added to Sample table. It must have 1 for non controls, 2 for controls any other value would be considered non controls.